Exhibition at aff Galerie Berlin

Friday the 29th of April one of my images from "Dust Catches Light" will be exhibited at the group exhibition "Keep Your Eyes Peeled II" at aff Galerie in Berlin.


Unfortunately I will not be present at the opening myself, but please stop by from 19.00 to view works by Michael Ackerman, Arnau Blanch, Stéphanie Bonn, Verena Brüning, Olga Bubich, Jaane Christensen, Pierre Defaix, Anna Eckold, Sibylle Fendt, Kathrin Ganser, Joachim Gern, Mika Gröber, Ulrich Hagel, Samuel Henne, Fred Hüning, Lioba Keuck, Constantin Köster, Tobias Kruse, Alexander Labrentz, Sebastian Lange, Inga Alice Lauenroth, Kolja Linowitzki, Tatsiana Lisovskaja, Jonas Maron, Kevin Mertens, Marielle Viola Morawitz, Patricia Morosan, Lene Münch, Juli Nazarova, Jana Ritchie, Ulrich Rüger, Thomas Sandberg, Laura Yawira Scheffer, Julia Schiller, Anna Charlotte Schmid, Valerie Schmidt, Ina Schröder, Tanya Shcherbinina, Marie Sjøvold, Julia Smirnova, Kate Smuraga, Christoph Soeder, Sarah Straßmann, Katrin Streicher, Ingo Taubhorn, Roselyne Titaud, Andreas Trogisch, Kathrin Tschirner, Alexa Vachon, Alexander Veledzimovich, Kahro Vrij, Franca Wohlt & Ulrich Wüst.

A big thanks to Mika Gröber and the team at aff Galerie.



Exhibition at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien

I just came back from the best days in Berlin, being part of the exhbition Welcome to my dark at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien. The exhibition is curated by Patricia Morosan and these are her words on the exhibition.

The exhibition “WELCOME TO MY DARK” shows works by internationally renowned photographers, which establish a link between the personal and the intimate. The subjective-emotional view in the works of Michael Ackerman (USA), Stéphane Charpentier (FR), Damien Daufresne (FR/DE), Alisa Resnik (DE/RUS) and Marie Sjøvold (NOR) represents an inner strength, emerging from an intense examination of their reality. “WELCOME TO MY DARK ” reflects these inner worlds and invites to welcome them.

Opening: Thursday, November 26, 2015, 19h
Exhibition: November 27, 2015 – January 17, 2016
Curated by Patricia Morosan
Finissage: Sunday, January 17, 2016, 19h

Opening hours
Daily 10-19h

Venue: Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien > “Raum der Komplizen”

Free admission

Photos by Mirjam Siefert.

Midnight Milk is the best selling photobook at Tronsmo in 2015

Midnight Milk is the most sold photobook in 2015 by Tronsmo book store. My publisher Journal Forlag is well represented with Norwegian Journal of Photography#1 and #2, Nina Strand/Dr. Strand and Terje Abusdal/ Radius 500 metres. My work At night Everyone is alone can be seen in Norwegian Journal of Photography#1.

1) Midnight Milk, Marie Sjøvold

2)Norwegian Journal of Photography #2, Red: Flemming, Rasmussen, Eraker & Matsen

3)Dr. Strand, Nina Strand

4)Wilse: mitt Norge, Red: Bjorli et al.

5)Hold Still - a Memoir with Photographs, Sally Mann

6)The Decisive Moment, Henri Cartier-Bresson

7)Radius 500 metres, Terje Abusdal

8)Genesis, Sebastiao Salgado

9)Norwegian Journal of Photography nr 1, Red:Flemming, Rasmussen, Eraker & Matsen

10) A Moveable Beast, Helge Skodvin

Exhibition at Galleri F15

November 28th 2015 - January 24th 2016, Galleri F15, Jeløya

I want to thank the team at Galleri F15 for being so positive, knowledgeable and professional down to every detail throughout the whole process of STØVKRYSTALLER. And I want to thank Damian Heinisch for his beautiful documentation of our exhibition.

"Crystals of Dust presents the camera based projects of Bente Geving, Viktor Micka, Laila Kongevold, Marie Sjøvold and Christine Hansen. Using their own family experiences as points of departure, these artists all explore subjects related to dementia and Alzheimer. This is one of the first art-exhibitions in Norway that deals with such an important issue. Dementia often remains a taboo in our society. The disease is characterized by loss of memory and troubles in executing daily routines. Gradually a patient loses their relational bonds to friends and family.

The exhibition contains visual and sensual approaches to this issue and uses the photographic medium's interplay of memory and the past. As individuals we only remember fragments of our life. When we start forgetting, our memory becomes even more fragmentary. It is as if the memory crystalizes and a distance develops between each and every memory. Photography is also a fragment of reality, this exhibition uses a variety of methods to explore this topic in both a documentary and poetic manner.

Crystals of Dust explores the span between the sufferer's changed relation to his/her environment and the relatives’ reconciliation with this. The exhibition also investigates how we can communicate with family members that are still alive, but have their conditions of life entirely changed."

The exhibition is curated by Christine Hansen

NR.1 on Tronsmo Topp 10

Midnight Milk is nr. 1 on Tronsmo bookstore Top Ten bestseller list together with amazing books like M Train by Patti Smith and the two Journal books 240 Landscapes by Helge Skodvin and Radius 500 metres by Terje Abusdal. 

And this is how it looked with Dust Catches Light 3 years ago...

Exhibition at Hå Gamle Prestegård

Støvkrystaller er en utstilling som tar for seg alzheimer og demens. Utstillingen er kuratert av Christine Hansen som selv hadde en mor som var rammet av alzheimer. Da Christine hadde jobbet frem separatutstillingen Come What May, med utgangspunkt i moren og hennes sykdom følte hun at det var for tungt å fronte denne utstiilingen alene. Dermed begynte hun å undersøke om det var andre som arbeidet med denne tematikken. På denne måten kom hun over Bente Gevings arbeider Margit Ellinor Glemte minner, Almanakk av Laila Kongevold, Viktor Micas arbeider og min Dust Catches Light. 

Denne utstillingen har gitt et enormt faglig og menneskelig utbytte fra første start og til dagene på Hå gamle prestegård hvor utstillingen nå henger. Hå gamle prestegard ligger på vakre Jæren utenfor Stavanger, og vi bodde på Obrestad fyr. Hver morgen våknet vi til viduer fylt med himmel og hav. Sammen monterte vi utstillingen på dagen og om kvelden gikk vi tur langs stranden, vi lagde mat til hverandre og drakk vin. Det var en utrolig givende måte å montere en utstilling på. Å leve så tett, over en liten uke. Å kunne bruke kvelden til å dele erfaringer og tanker som dukket opp under dagens arbeid. Hjelpe hverandre videre. Evaluere på en naturlig og organisk måte. Hva fungerer? Hva kan gjøres bedre? Samtale rundt tematikken, som vi alle har forskjellige opplevelser med fra nær familie. Det gir fokus, ro og energi til arbeidet.

Det er litt vemodig å skulle dra fra Hå gamle prestegard. Fra fyret, kunstnerne og de dyktige teamet på galleriet. Heldigvis skal utstilligen videre til Galleri F15 på Jeløya i november. Det samme arbeidene, i helt nye omgivelser.  

Kunstner Bente Geving og kurator/kunstner Christine Hansen etter en lang dag med montering.

Kunstner Bente Geving og kurator/kunstner Christine Hansen etter en lang dag med montering.

Christine Hansens arbeider.

Christine Hansens arbeider.

Christine Hansens arbeider.

Christine Hansens arbeider.

Christine Hansens arbeider.

Christine Hansens arbeider.

Bente Gevings arbeider.

Bente Gevings arbeider.

Bente Gevings arbeider.

Bente Gevings arbeider.

Viktor Mickas verk.

Viktor Mickas verk.

Mine arbeider.

Mine arbeider.

Mine arbeider.

Mine arbeider.

STØVKRYSTALLER - en utstilling om demens og Alzheimer

Utstillingen presenterer fem kamerabaserte prosjekter av Bente Geving, Viktor Micka, Laila Kongevold, Marie Sjøvold og Christine Hansen. Med utgangspunkt i egne erfaringer undersøker de tematikk knyttet til Alzheimer og demens.

Takk til Hå Gamle prestegard for et veldig bra samarbeid. Og til kurator Christine Hansen som har gjort denne utstillingen mulig.


Printing of Midnight Milk


My new book Midnight Milk is now printed at Narayana Press in Denmark. Such a wonderful and peaceful place with the best and most knowledgeable printers. Here are some snaps from the journey.